31 August

The 55th anniversary of Malaysia's Independence Day. And yes, we
should be grateful as Malaysia has remained a peaceful and harmony country. I’m
proud to be Malaysian!
In the spirit of the Independence Day, I bought two books at
Popular Bookstore to explore some information on Malaysia’s history.
1- Peristiwa 13 Mei: Sejarah Perhubungan Melayu-Cina
by Dr Leon Comber
2- 13 Mei Sebelum dan Selepas by Tunku Abdul Rahman
1 September 2012
My 5th wedding anniversary. I
believe that the most valuable day in one’s life is the day of marriage wedding.
Thank you Mohd Hafidz Hadi for being my husband, my partner, my lover and my
best friend. With you, I became a better person. Thank you for choosing me as
your better half. Happy anniversary!
2 September 2012
Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday. This year, I plan to buy a set
of books by Emila Yusof as a special birthday gift for myself. Yeay!
4 September 2012
Happy Birthday Anas Hakim! Anas was born on 4 September 2009. Well,
actually I thought and expected that he would share the same birthdate with me. By the way, 4 September is also perfect. Both of us can always
celebrate our birthday together every year.
Well, let me complete the list.
30 August 2012
will be in Guangzhou, China for a couple of days. This is my second
trip to Guangzhou as I was there in December last year. Ohh, I wish I
have a good writing skill like Emila Yusof! There are many interesting
in Guangzhou and great experiences to be shared with you, but it’s hard
for me
to write even the first paragraph. The feeling is like I’m having frozen
fingers. Oh man, I need to sharpen my writing skill then. But for now,
here is a photo of me enjoying the view of Canton Tower while night
cruising along the Pearl River in Guangzhou.
Postcard Exchange
Here comes the best part. Anyone interested to receive a postcard
from Guangzhou? Just leave your comment on this post and send your mailing
address to sesepat@yahoo.com. I will
send you a postcard from Guangzhou, and if I have any problem to do that, I promise
that you will get at least a fridge magnet from me. And, this offer is for the
first 2 commenters only, ok (^_^)